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10 Sep 2024

School holiday fun at Lakeside

J002225 Lakeside Holiday Programme Blog header 1IT

The Info Centre space and the Lakeside Village Centre playground turned into a bustling hub of fun and creativity during the recent school holidays! We were thrilled to welcome around 40 people, including 30 children, for a day filled with engaging activities.

Rock painting, LEGO building, word play games, colouring pages, and even building and colouring small cardboard houses kept the little ones entertained, engaged, and out of the rain outside!

The event was a huge success, and we were delighted to hear positive feedback from attendees. Many expressed their appreciation for having such activities organised during the school holidays and encouraged us to continue these events in the future.

This event also gave us the opportunity to provide the community with an overview of our development projects. Given the positive response and community interest, we're excited to continue hosting these school holiday events and provide more opportunities for fun, learning, and community engagement.