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Lakeside Information Day April 2023

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The Lakeside Information Day happened on April 1st at the Lakeside Development Information Centre.

It was great to see the community come together to enjoy a whānau-friendly day of fun activities and yummy kai. And thankfully, the rain held off until the end of the event.

Whānau were able to discover and explore Lakeside and learn more about what the future holds for the neighbourhood. 

There were lots of fun activities for the kids, like an arts and crafts station, thanks to the lovely Toi Ako Te Kauwhata community team, as well as face painting. There was also free coffee and a sausage sizzle on offer to keep people fuelled for the day.

Aspiring home buyers also had a chance to chat to our trusted build partners and learn more about the homes for sale in Lakeside. 

The Lakeside Development team was there to answer questions about new homes, infrastructure, and amenities coming to the neighbourhood to support the growing community. The Kāinga Ora Homeownership team was there talking to the community about the financial support available to help people get onto the property ladder.

The Lakeside and Te Kauwhata communities also had the chance to have their say on the new playgrounds coming to Lakeside. The draft concept plans for Lakeside Playground 1 and 3 were shared, and we gathered some great feedback.

It was nice seeing new and future residents of the neighbourhood coming together for a day of fun, while getting to know the development and connecting with the Te Kauwhata community.